This is the second of my two-part mini series about the Albin Countergambit, based on a blitz game I played on Gameknot.com a few days ago.
In this video I go through the first few moves of the Albin Countergambit, which is a “counter gambit” to the Queen’s Gambit.
Next, I draw your attention to a trap that White must avoid on the 7th move and 8th moves.
The second half of the video looks at the Stockfish computer analysis of the blitz game that I played in the video that’s embedded in my previous blog post: easychesstips.com/what-3-be6-in-the-albin-countergambit
And here is the 2nd video in the mini-series:
The Albin Countergambit
Here are the opening moves of the Albin Countergambit, as expounded by John Watson in his book, A Strategic Chess Opening Repertoire for White (pp. 54-55):
- d4 d5
- c4 e5
- dxe5 d4
- Nf3 Nc6
- Nbd2 …
As can be seen, the point of the Albin Countergambit is for Black to advance his d-pawn to d4.
Against an inexperienced player, that could lead to a nasty little trap that White needs to avoid…
The Trap That White Must Avoid Falling Into
If, instead playing 4. Nf3 White tries to attack the d-pawn by advancing his pawn to e3, he can get himself into all sorts of trouble.
- d4 d5
- c4 e5
- dxe5 d4
- e3? B4+!
- Bd2? dxe3!
- Bxb4?? exf7+!
- Kxf7?? Qxd1!
Bye bye, Queen!
In the video I discovered that on the 7th move, if White plays Ke2 to protect the Queen, Black maintains a winning advantage by promoting the pawn to a Knight and checking the King, rather than promoting to a Queen with no check. Indeed, if Black plays 7… fxg1Q, then White can fight back to equality. Find out how in the video!
David Hurley
Check out Gameknot and play for FREE at: https://gameknot.com/#hirohurl (Search for “hirohurl” when you join, and challenge me to a game!)